Sunday, September 03, 2006

Start up the news machine...

Generally it has been a quiet couple of weeks news wise.

Sure there have been a few stories of note, but it's been the usual parade of what I would call `filler` news.

The schools go back this week, and that means the business people go back to work as well, so over the coming days things should start to pick up.

Though the news has been quiet, it doesn't mean my bulletins have been boring. It gives me the chance to include some lighter stories. I like a good `And Finally` in my bulletin, and to leave the listener with a smile at the end of what can sometimes be a depressing news bulletin.

Some of my favourite `And Finally` stories this week include:

- The excuse for delays given to train commuters because of the wrong type of....... sunshine!

- The story of the 100 year old man who still turns up for work being ordered to take a day off by his bosses.

- The words "iPod", "ASBO", "Muffin Top" and "Bingo Wings" making a new version of the dictionary. (get in touch if you don't know what they mean!)

Just quickly... I had a great time last night with my good friend Kate, we went to a birthday party together in Manchester. It was nice to catch up with some old colleagues I used to work with at BBC Radio Leeds, and socialise with current people from work.

Also get it touch, it would be nice to know if anyone is reading this!! Take care.

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