Thursday, August 24, 2006

BBC News 24 -

Just a quick one....

Apologies if your TV screen broke on Wednesday morning after I appeared on BBC News 24 at just after 9am in the morning.

I was asked to appear to give an update on the discovery of four bodies in a house in Greater Manchester.

I got the tip off from Greater Manchester Police, and I then told the rest of the wider BBC about it. News 24 `flashed` it - (basically, read aloud my script with a big `Breaking News` banner on screen)

I then got a call from the News 24 day editor who asked if I would come on camera, I said maybe someone from TV would be better, but to call me back if she had a problem.
Around 45 seconds later, the phone rang again, she was having trouble getting anyone to do it from the TV newsroom

So I made my way down to the newsroom camera, turned on the studio lights, framed the camera shot, clipped on a mic, shoved in an earpiece and was live around the world within two minutes -

Now that doesnt happen everyday.

1 comment:

Steve Saul said...


My mother of course did the honours and set the Sky+ recording in time!