Monday, November 27, 2006

National fame... nearly...

Hello... Back at work now after a couple of days in Dublin with Susan. It was nice to get away from work. I really like Dublin, people seem really friendly and the place is nice.
I'm a big fan of the TV comedy Father Ted, and there was one sign outside a cafe that really made me laugh "Would you like a cup of tea? Ah you will, go on, a nice cuppa tea. Go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on ".... that's a line from Mrs Doyle in Father Ted.

I was working the weekend evening, a dreadfully dull shift, when I got a call from a panicking producer from BBC Radio Five Live. He was asking if there was anyone at Radio Manchester who might be able to help them out and present a programme! It's not your average request from a 5 Live producer, normally it's about booking studios at short notice. Apparently their regular presenter Stephen Nolan had to go home urgently and could not present his show. It's broadcast from the BBC Manchester studios. Naturally I volunteered, but they wanted someone more experienced and who could handle a heated debate. I gave him the number for Allan Beswick, a radio legend in the North West, and they got him in to present the show.

It's the first time I've arranged presenter cover for a national station! I was listening to Allan on 5 Live on the way home from work, and I was kind of glad he was presenting rather than me. The programme certainly was a heated debate about Slavery and Scotland becoming an independent nation! Rather him than me.

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